Veterans Excel at Disruptive Business Trends

Veterans Excel at Disruptive Business Trends

LTC2 Consulting, a veteran-owned and operated organization, is one of the top management consulting firms in Washington, D.C. It advises clients that disruptive trends are one of the most important business threats they currently face.

According to Thomson Reuters — “a disruptive trend is one that changes the way we think, behave or do business. It uproots traditional thinking and alters the way we go about our day-to-day activities.”

2024 Business disruptions to your organization 

In 2024, business disruption is not always about new creations.

Business disruption mainly involves a change in the client or customer experience and how they interact with your business and your products or services.

Artificial intelligence, robotics, automation, globalization, and the ubiquitous smart device present real opportunities and challenges for your organization. One of the most important yet overlooked resources is your human capital.

Finding the right workers to fill roles in this ever-changing economy, uncertain international climate, and constant-change work environment is as important as your strategy for dealing with disruption.

Veterans are the most overlooked population of talented employees.

Skills veterans possess to handle disruption

An all-volunteer military with higher admission standards than ever before means there are a small number of high-value military personnel in the workforce with the skills your business needs. Yet, most businesses have not woken up to the value that veterans bring to an organization.

Five unique business disruption skills where veterans excel:

#1: Real experience in managing globalization

Most veterans have lived and worked outside of their home country. They supported efforts at managing global nomads, workplace diversity, and the challenges of a more connected world. Veterans bring these skills to your workplace.

#2: Learning and teaching new concepts quickly

Veterans continue learning new skills and information that apply to their jobs. Learning at a rapid pace and applying what one learned begins on day one of a military career. It continues until one leaves the military. It then becomes a way of life for veterans. They bring this skill to your organization and they are capable of teaching peers and subordinates how to apply the art of rapid education.

#3: Advanced technology end-users

The military not only produces technology innovation it consumes it at a high rate of adoption as well. Every service member becomes an advanced technology end-user as part of their job. They adapt well to new technology introduced in the workplace and are great at assisting others with adapting to the changes. They also excel in educating your customers as your organization implements new technical innovations.

#4: Leadership and teamwork

Most eighteen-year-old servicemembers with one year of military service have more leadership experience than their middle managers. Leadership is taught from day one. And opportunities to serve in a leadership capacity begin at the start of one’s military service during initial training.

Military personnel the importance of their individual contribution to success and how teams function together. They are trained to work independently and to support and cooperate with colleagues. Leadership training and experience grow with each year of service.

This phenomenon creates young leaders trained by some of the best methods and teachers available. Military women and men further develop excellent leadership traits by holding positions of leadership responsibility early in their careers. 

#5: Life in Balance

Workers who balance work and personal life are more productive and happier and miss fewer days at work. Veterans have developed a drug-free, healthy, and fit lifestyle throughout their careers. They bring this mindset to the organization and invite their colleagues to participate in fun runs and other outdoor activities like camping, hiking, and kayaking, for example. A healthier workforce means greater attendance and productivity and lower insurance costs.

Recruiting, hiring, and promoting veterans as an organizational goal is not only good for your business but also the right thing to do. Supporting the men and women who volunteer to protect the interests of your great nation is the right thing to do. So, hire a veteran today and win twofold.

By Author Antoinette Lee Toscano—U.S. Army veteran and Columnist at Magazine.